Autore / John Witte

John Jr. Witte è Professore di Diritto alla Emory University di Atlanta, dove dirige il centro per lo studio del diritto e della religione. È uno dei più importanti esperti mondiali di libertà religiosa e sui rapporti tra Chiesa e Stato. Ha pubblicato 24 libri e i suoi scritti sono stati tradotti in dieci lingue; ha tenuto lezioni e conferenze in Nord America, Europa, Giappone, Israele e Sud Africa.John Witte Jr. is Jonas Robitscher Professor of Law, Alonzo L. McDonald Distinguished Professor and director of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion Center at Emory University. A specialist in legal history, marriage law and religious liberty, he has published 180 articles, 13 journal symposia and 24 books. Professor Witte’s writings have appeared in ten languages, and he has lectured and convened conferences through North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, Israel and South Africa. He edits two major book series, “Studies in Law and Religion” and “Religion, Marriage and Family.” Witte received a BA from Calvin College and a J.D. from Harvard.

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