Intervistato / John Milbank

John Milbank, (1952), teologo cristiano, è professore di Religione, Politica e Etica alla Università di Nottingham. In precedenza, ha insegnato alle Università di Lancaster, Cambridge e Virginia. È uno dei fondatori del movimento Radical Orthodoxy. Il suo libro più conosciuto è Theology and Social Theory, mentre il più recente è Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon.John Milbank is Professor in Religion, Politics and Ethics at the University of Nottingham. He has previously taught at the Universities of Lancaster, Cambridge and Virginia. He is one of the editors of the Radical Orthodoxy collection of essays which occasioned much debate. In general he has endeavoured in his work to resist the idea that secular norms of understanding should set the agenda for theology and has tried to promote the sense that Christianity offers a rich and viable account of the whole of reality. Feed RSS

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