Intervistato / Paul Jacob Bhatti

E’ fratello di Shahbaz Bhatti, il ministro cattolico per le Minoranze religiose massacrato da una cellula di terroristi islamici il 2 marzo 2011. Laureato in Medicina all’Università di Padova, per anni Paul Jacob Bhatti ha lavorato come chirurgo in provincia di Treviso. Dopo l’assassinio di Shahbaz, ha deciso di ritornare in Pakistan per proseguire l’opera del fratello come consigliere speciale del primo ministro e presidente del partito Alleanza delle minoranze.Paul Jacob Bhatti is the brother of Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic Minister for Religious Minorities in Pakistan who was massacred by a group of Islamic terrorists on March 2, 2011. Paul graduated in Medicine at the University of Padua, and has worked for years as a surgeon in the province of Treviso. After the assassination of Shahbaz, he decided to return to Pakistan to continue his brother’s work as a special adviser to the Prime Minister and President of the All Pakistan Minority Alliance Party. Feed RSS

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